Quick Check

Check your travel risk level

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DateSubmission date
Do you have someone responsible for the safety of travelling or expatriate personnel?
If the answer is yes, they work in:
Personnel travelling last year:Select the approximate range
Main travelling destinations:Locations or Countries
Personnel expatriated last year:Select the approximate range
Main expatriation desinations:Locations or Countries
What professional profiles usually travel or expatriate?Select the professional profiles mainly working abroad
The staff is specially trained to address the risks of travelling / expatriating:Multiple choice allowed
Travel Risk management is outsourced:Multiple choice allowed
Policies to manage the risk for travelling / expatriate personnel:Multiple choice allowed
Thank you for filling-in the questionnaire. Data will be treated as strictly confidential for our institutional goals and in full compliance with current Privacy regulations. We'll contact you shortly. Sincerely Yours, Litehouse Team - Travel Risk Consulting.
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